miércoles, marzo 14, 2007

moon on the water

what a fool..? i`m don´t know ´bout tomorrow
what is like to be..hmmmHmmm

es un minuto un tanto especial para mi
pero todavia extraño algunas cosas del pasado
no creo que pronto me pueda reconciliar con el
pero tampoco quiero matarlo completamente
siempre es bueno recordar ciertas cosas
otras cosas realmente no valen la pena

esa cancion te la dediqué..


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Y parte de tu pasado aun te extraña a ti... y eso lo sabes... no se si sea para mejor o no... pero asi es...

"What a fool"... si, me lo he dicho varias veces... pero asi soy y asi es la vida, no queda mas que aceptarla con todo lo que viene...

Recibi los mensajes offline en mi messenger... bad timing? no se... bueno... nunca mas te encontre, te deje mas mensajes eso si...

Let's meet... ok?

Have a great day...

And thank you for the song...

Estoy en la U... asi que no la pude escuchar... sera al llegar a casa... si tienes $ en el cel hazme un ring cuando estes en linea o algo...



Si, aun paso =P
Si, se que lo sabes...

miércoles, 14 marzo, 2007  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Full moon sways...
Gently in the night of one fine day.
On my way...
Looking for a moment with my dear.
Full moon waves.
Slowly on the surface of the lake.
You were there...
Smilling in my arms for all those years.
What a fool...
I don't know 'bout tomorrow...
What it's like to be.

I was sure,
Couldn't let myself to go.
Even though i feel...
The end.
Old love affair...
Floating like a bird resting her wings.
You were there...
Smiling in my arms for all those years.
What a fool...
I don't know 'bout tomorrow...
What it's like to be.

I was sure,
Couldn't let myself to go.
Even though i feel...
The end.
Full moon sways...
Gently in the night of one fine day.
You are there.
Smiling in my arms for all thoses years...

I don't know 'bout tomorrow...
What it's like to be.
I don't know 'bout tomorrow...
What it's like to be.
I don't know 'bout tomorrow...
What it's like to be.

Old love affair...
Floating like a bird resting her wings...


You were there... weren't you?
It was too late when I finished working.
Left you a few messages.
Have a great day and take care.
Hope you had a good night...
It was good to hear your voice yesterday... promise you will hear mine today... or maybe we can meet before that...
Anyways, I am here... and will be online almost all day...
I am here...
Wish you were here too...

Have a great day and be good...

And... it's not a problem you have more time than I do... I wish I had more time o give you... you have my schedule now... Send me yours so we can find a moment in time to meet...


You know who I am...
And... don't worry, nothing bad will happen...


My dad is living in the South now... I live in my house with my mom and sister... ain't that something new?




Same woman,
Same feelings...


Take care...

jueves, 15 marzo, 2007  
Blogger Elara said...

Y la respuesta a mi post anonimo?
Ushales que mal no haber podido hacer algo estos dias... pero hace como dos semanas que la flaca amenazaba con visita...
Anyways, que la pases genial...

Cariños y estamos en contacto...

viernes, 16 marzo, 2007  

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